We encourage you to contribute to the support of our ministry. There are several ways to contribute.
Sign up for online giving. Sign up here to make automatic recurring contributions or to change the amount or frequency of your recurring gift. We strongly encourage you to arrange to make your gift online. Online giving allows you to make contributions without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. Our online giving system allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and adjust the frequency and amount of your recurring gift at any time. Online Giving by ParishSoft.
Place your offering in the basket.
Send your offering in the mail to the parish office at:
St. Thomas More Church
636 W. Ponce de Leon Ave.
Decatur GA 30030-2951
Make “one-time” payments for specific purposes, e.g., in memory of a deceased loved one, to pay a fee, or simply to make a gift to STM. After you enter your donation amount, please indicate what you are paying for in the “Add a note” field on PayPal.
Gifts of stock can be made to STM. Contact our Accounting Manager, Debbie Whiteley, at 404-378-4588 ext 145 or via email at [email protected] for our account information.
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you may benefit by giving directly from your IRA. Please consult your tax advisor to see if this will work for you.
You can donate online using ParishSoft Giving, PayPal, ApplePay, and GooglePay.
In addition to our general collection for parish support, our second or special collections help us get flowers for our special liturgies, support parish ministries and organizations such as STM's conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and help support the efforts of programs outside of our parish such as ServeHaiti and the Missionaries of the Poor. Click to view the calendar of second and special collections for 2025.
This year, the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal theme is 'We are One Body in Christ'. The theme of this year’s annual appeal was chosen to remind us that we, as members of the Church, are called to work together for the common good, each of us playing a vital role in the mission of Christ. Our Archdiocese is a living example of this unity—one body made up of many faithful members, each essential to the vitality of the whole. Through your generous gifts, we can continue the work we were called to do as Christians: educate our seminarians, support our retired priests, provide catechesis to our children, and protect the rights of the unborn. Please be generous in your response.
Serving more than one million Catholics, the mission of the Archdiocese of Atlanta is to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord and grow all of north and central Georgia in faith, hope, love, and service to others. Our theme for the appeal this year is “We are One Body in Christ.” Your gift and participation in the 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal helps make it possible by supporting the ministerial, outreach, education, formation, and discipleship work of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Please give prayerful consideration to your level of support to help fund the essential ministries and services supported by the Appeal.
St Thomas More 2025 Status
Parish Goal:
Total Amount Pledged:
Total Amount Received:
Percentage of Goal Received:
Over / (Under) Goal based on Amount Received:
Your generosity will help us reach that goal. Donate online at: donate.archatl.com. Please select St. Thomas More Catholic Church in the designation box. Find us under “AAA-Saint Thomas More."