STM has completed the parish phase of the synod process. We held 22 listening sessions with about 175 people from January to March 2022. A parish committee made up of parishioners, staff, and the pastor collated the notes and comments from these sessions into a final report linked below.
The listening sessions centered on the joys and obstacles people find in both the local and universal Church. Participants also reflected on how the Holy Spirit might be calling us as a parish and as a larger global community of faith. We have submitted a high-level report to the Archdiocese as well as our more comprehensive final report.
This brief summary draws on five specific themes that emerged in the listening sessions. It includes some quotations and commentary.
Presented in narrative form and parsed into four main categories, this full report captures in detail the specific themes, joys, and obstacles shared in listening sessions. It explains the process, limitations, and methodology of the report.
What’s next?
Input from all parishes and groups around the world will be synthesized at the diocesan level, then at the country/regional level, and ultimately by the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023. An implementation phase will follow. You can read more about the synodal process here.
At STM, we intend to act upon what we have learned through this listening phase as soon as possible, incorporating the results in our parish planning. We will be organizing a session for all of us to reflect on what has emerged from this process and will continue listening, dialoging, and discerning how we as a community can more fully live out the call of the Gospel.
Throughout the process of the synod, the role of the Church is to listen and learn. As we reflect together upon our past and current experiences in our parishes and how God is calling us to be Church going forward, we will be participating in building not only the roadmap for the Church of the future, but the foundation of the road itself. The hope of Pope Francis is that the connections, relationships, understanding, and new insights produced by the synod process itself will generate hope, inspiration, and renewed faith and energy for our common mission.
The 2021-2023 Synod on Synodality: Key Documents
Preparatory Document
Outlines the meaning of synodality, theological resources for understanding and practicing synodality in Scripture and Tradition, and central themes to explore in “journeying together” through the synodal process.
Guide to support the process of consultation, including methodological suggestions and examples from recent synodal processes, a glossary of terms, and liturgical, biblical, and prayer resources.
Presentations/Podcast Resources:
La Civiltà Cattolica English Synodality Series
You can find this free podcast on Google, Apple, Spotify, etc. The Synodality Series offers short, 20-minute conversations with theological and practical information about synodality.
The Tablet Webinar with Sr. Nathalie Becquart
Natalie, who serves as the undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops, offers a brief, 14- minute explanation of synodality in light of the vision of Pope Francis.
“From Episcopal Collegiality to Ecclesial Synodality,” Dr. Massimo Faggioli:
Faggioli, a leading Church historian, offers a more in-depth 30-minute presentation on the historical development from Vatican II to our current moment of synodality. The presentation is followed by a longer Q&A.
“Walking Together: Pope Francis’ Vision for a Synodal Church,” Dr. Amanda Osheim: Dr. Osheim, a professor of practical theology, offers an hour-long, accessible introduction to synodality and Pope Francis’ desire to hear the Spirit at work among the People of God. The presentation is followed by a longer Q&A.
Articles: Brief explorations of key aspects of synodality
Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, explains the importance of the first diocesan phase Read the article
Pope Francis’ Vision of Synodality Explains Pope Francis’ vision for the synod and the importance of listening to the Spirit.
Explains Pope Francis’ vision for the synod and the importance of listening to the Spirit. Read the article
A Closer Look at Synodality
Dr. Hosffman Ospino interviews Dr. Rafael Luciani, one of the world’s leading experts on synodality. Read the article
Synodality: The Long Game
Cardinal Joseph Tobin explores synodality as the mode for the Church’s conversion to truly walking with the People of God. Read the article
Key Theological Background: A deeper exploration of the theology of synodality.
Address of Pope Francis commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Synod of Bishops (2015)
In this five-page address, Pope Francis briefly explains the integral relationship between synodality and the sensus fidei, or the sense of the faith. He calls for a Church that listens and envisions the structure of the Church as an “inverted pyramid,” in which clerics serve and support the people of God.
International Theological Commission, “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church,” (2018)
This twenty-five-page document provides a deeper theological engagement with synodality and its significance for the mission of the Church. The four chapters cover: 1) Synodality in Scripture, Tradition, and Church history; 2) The theology of synodality in light of Vatican II; 3) The structure of synodality at all levels in the Church; 4) The spiritual and pastoral conversion to listening and discernment necessary for synodality to characterize the Church. Read the article